Saturday, August 30, 2008

Cool (and nervousing) stuff

  1. First, I want to talk about oral reports.Some kind of scary speech you'll have to do in front of everybody. sheebilees. All of the kids in our Family (and probably the whole home school group) don't want to do it."It'll be fun!" parents say. YEAH RIGHT!!! (Was that disrespectful?) Anyway, I'll probably get used to it after I do it once or twice. Yes, we have to do it more than once.
  2. New jurisdictions. I've got tea.You might not think it so bad except for the fact you have to decide what were having, Make it, witch isn't so bad, set it on the table, then clean it up.Wow. It makes me want to do something sloppy so I won't have to do dishes. But the other side of me tells me "NO! Make it nice and fancy" That side usually gets me. By the way, that's not the only thing I've got I just don't want to talk about the rest right now.
  3. Company. Someone from our church is here right now. He came over for dinner because his wife's gone to Florida because of a funeral. Speaking of Church, I pass out fliers! I kind of feel sorry for the older people cuz they have to find were I am, maybe even walk across the church to get some extra for others. Aww

Thursday, August 21, 2008

I wanted to

I wanted to post about somthing but I forgot what it was.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008


Soccer is an all-time favorite in our house. When Dad comes home for lunch and still has time before he leaves, we play soccer in the street. We also do it after dad's home and we've eaten.

Usual teams:
1st team: Dad Lane and I
2nd team: Sticks, J man and Jess.
Well, yesterday we switched the teams up. I didn't like the idea, but oh well. Lane Sticks and I last both games. Too bad! I see the little boys improving every day! Good job, boys!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

It's back!

There was this small snake in our back yard. It lived in a crack that no one ever payed attention to. But one day, J man decided to look down that crack. All of a sudden we hear a "Guys! Look! Over here! It's a snake!" We all ran over there, and sure enough, there was a snake. Well, later he had the idea that it was poisonous. So he would check that crack every day. Then again, we hear a " Guys! Come! I got it!" We run over there and see the snake, trapped under a pole. Poor guy! then, j man lets it out. I, coming to the conclusion that it was poisonous also, Grabbed the pole and trapped it again. After Lane took it off, I saw what I did. I started to feel sad when it never came back. But just earlier today Jess yell"guys, the snake is back!" Thank you LORD.

Sunday, August 17, 2008


  1. The little boy's favorite thing is robots. They dream about making them and use whatever dad says they can in the garage to do it. J dude got a water-powered robotic arm that can pick something up when you control it for his tooth-fairy present. They also beg me to rent a book that tells you how to make a robot when we go to the library.
  2. Bird's favorite thing is dolls I guess. When she got one for her birthday she called it "that one" and she still calls it that.
  3. Froggy's favorite thing is books.
  4. Lane's favorite thing is crochet - I think.
  5. Sticks favorite thing is?????
  6. Meggy's favorite thing is either reading books, cheking blogs, or listening to music.
  7. I don't know what Mom's or Dad's is.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008


After Jesus was baptized, He taught us a very good lesson by being tempted. He used scripture so well that satan didn't even have the guts to talk back, but he only went on with the next temptation. If only we could learn to practice and do that against all the temptatoins in the world. Then, he goes preaching, healing, and talking demons out of people! God rocks!!!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008


Well, right now Gods really upset with Zion, Assyria. I think we should all learn a lesson from their destruction. Our culture is full of liairs and theifs and a lot of stuff those people got punished for! Yikes! We need to really change! If only we were better than we are now.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

This was Davids Psalm, when he was running away from his son, Absalom. I really don't remember that. But anyway, He asks the Lord for help, and then says how much he did! David is an awesome guy, I think. In the next Psalm I read, David is giving others good advice such as: "In your anger do not sin." and things like that. In the next Psalm David asked God to declare his enemies guilty and how you can't trust them. Isn't that like tatle taling to a God that already knows?

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Joshua finally defeated Jericho! With, of course, GODS help. I think Joshua's my favorite person in the Bible. I like how the people listened to him when he said what would seem like the craziest stuff ever. One thing that I don't know about, Rahab and her family was saved when the walls fell down. How? the walls fell down. And then they went in and saved her. I wonder.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008


Today I read about poor Pharaoh to day. He wouldn't let the people go. Oh well. It was Gods will that all the plagues came. I really like the part where Mosses's snake at all the rest. I think Moses was very faithful to the end. He had faith in God when every one else practically didn't, he persevered when even his own people mocked him! And even after they were brought out of Egypt, they still griped and grumbled all day! God really blessed him!

Monday, August 4, 2008


A miscarriage. Why? What's Gods plan ? Is he trying to test us? Unfortunately, we don't always know Gods plan is for us. All you can do is trust in Him. "Delight your self in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart. Commit your was to the Lord; trust in him and he will act."

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Genisis - again

When Eve gave birth to Cain and Abel they grew up and had jobs. Now Cain owned a garden and Abel owned a herd of sheep. When it was time to give the offering, Abel made an offering of a lamb, and Cain made an offering of his first fruits. This was probably a big basket of all his best fruits and veggies all organized up pretty. But when God was angry, he was angrier. So out of his anger he killed his brother. I think from what he said,he was never even sorry that he killed his brother: "I don' know, am I my brothers keeper?" and: " This punishment is more than I can bear!" I think he was more worried about himself. So he wandered of and built a city. and his kid's had kids and they had kids and on and on and on all the way down to Noah. My bible isn't very detailed on that story.

Friday, August 1, 2008


Today I read in Matthew. The birth of Jesus was not very detailed. But what I liked about it was that when the birth of Jesus happened, the escape from Herod, and the return to Nazareth, that all fulfilled 3 or 4 prophecies