Monday, July 14, 2008

More Bible news

It was funny how all of the Israelites that came out of Egypt never came to the promised land except for Caleb and Joshua. After after the plague, God told Moses and Eleazar to Count all of the children Of Israel that are twenty years older or more that are able to serve in the army. after that count there were 601,730 men and none who were going to die in the desert. WHOA!!!!!That's allot of men not even including women and children! That must have been hard to lead the people. Moses had allot of faith and allot of responsibility!


Anonymous said...

Hey Louie!!!! I love these recent posts!!! Have you been reading my blog lately?? I post pretty often. I check your blog lots so I hope you blog long ones alot, and just plain post alot!!! Well, TTYL!!!
Your Louiejane

Anonymous said...

heya Lou!