Sunday, August 17, 2008


  1. The little boy's favorite thing is robots. They dream about making them and use whatever dad says they can in the garage to do it. J dude got a water-powered robotic arm that can pick something up when you control it for his tooth-fairy present. They also beg me to rent a book that tells you how to make a robot when we go to the library.
  2. Bird's favorite thing is dolls I guess. When she got one for her birthday she called it "that one" and she still calls it that.
  3. Froggy's favorite thing is books.
  4. Lane's favorite thing is crochet - I think.
  5. Sticks favorite thing is?????
  6. Meggy's favorite thing is either reading books, cheking blogs, or listening to music.
  7. I don't know what Mom's or Dad's is.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Playing soccer with the kids is way up there on my fave list. Also, wrestling and making the babies laugh.