Monday, October 18, 2010

I think often times we think things like, 'wow, Gods so amazing, it's unfathomable all the things he does' and all that. I know that I've said that, and really meant it, my whole life. But recently I have been scratching the surface, going deeper than,  ' he made the oceans and holds the galaxies in his hands' kind of thing. I mean, that really is amazing, but I've been digging deeper. These are just a few of the facts that I've been thinking on:
  •  I think the body, is absolutely incredible. Did you know that there are over 75 trillion cells in your body? God makes every single one of them do what there supposed to. 
  • When you have ramen noodles in the fridge over night, and you get them out to have them for lunch, and there's hardly any broth left because the noodles soaked it all up, that doesn't just happen, God causes that.
  • In Exodus, when the Israelites had just left Egypt, Pharaoh's heart hardens. God told Moses that that was gonna happen - and what do ya know! It did!
  • Jupiters pull is so strong, that most of the rocks that would have hit earth have hit jupiter instead. But it's not so strong that it effects the way the earth rotates.
These are just a few of the things I've been thinking on and I think, Wow, that really is unfathomable.

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