Monday, February 25, 2013

Today! And whenever else

Today was actually really fun. It really doesn't seem like it would be, cause Monday isn't my best day, but it was. CT and I had anatomy and physiology in the morning, and Lane dropped us off and went to clean a friends house. She picked us up (without getting lost!) and went to get her hair cut while CT and I went to Kohl's. He loves that store. He loves the clothes, the suitcases, the kitchenware, you name it. And he wanted to show me all of it. They did have really cool stuff, and I loved shopping with him. Laney's haircut looked really good, so we went to show Dad at his office, since we were right across the street, and he took us to lunch at Wendy's! On the way home Lane says, "CT, we've got to stop at grandma's"
He says, "Why?"
She says, "I drank a really big lemonade at Wendy's, and I gotta go!"
He says, "Can't you wait?"
She says, "NOOO!"
So after A Lot of that, he does go to grandma's with Lane chorusing the whole time, "Go faster! You're going slow on purpose! Hurry!!!"
Hilarious. And of course, afterward on the way home, CT just could stop jibing at her. She'll never live it down :P
After we got home, CT and I left again almost immediately for our next two classes, history and writing. Pretty uneventful, but I got to use my new purple backpack. Mom got it for me last Fri. cause we had a 12 mile hike 40 mi. hike uphill on Sat. with some of the people from our home school group. That was a blast! We went to Devil's Den and saw a bunch of cool sights to see. Twas awesome! But anyway that purple backpack is my new best friend. It holds literally EVERYTHING!
Yup. Pretty cool. And now I've got to go do homework so I can get a headstart on the week. Tomorrow is Hebrew class.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

OK, so maybe not

     This time I might actually be back for good. Hopefully. I just went on a bike ride around our neighborhood. I have a relatively new bike that I absolutely love. Since the weather is getting warmer I'm getting to ride it more often.
     No TKD today cause Jess is at a basketball game right now. Its the last one of the season and I really hope he wins! Mayfe was going to get to go too but he's still kind of sick and we didn't want to risk it, so most of us just stayed home.
     Just finished all of our classes for the week. CT and I are taking Hebrew, Science, History and writing. The cool this is, all of those are on Monday and Tuesday, so now it's all over fir the week and I just have a bunch of homework to do;)
     I changed the look on my blog! Is it cool?
     Mom and I just finished our book study on Until You Meet Prince Charming. It's a book on purity. We were doing it at a friends house with a bunch of other girls and moms. It helped me out a lot, and I really enjoyed it. Great read for girls.
      Galatians 6:1
     Brothers, if someone is caught in a sin, you who are spiritual should restore him gently.
I need to think about that when I feel like I need to boss around my sibs. Many people think that its like power to be the boss over everybody else. It makes you feel strong and like, well, the boss. In our book study yesterday a lady talked about how she discovered that being humble took a strong person. It's not easy to 'restore someone gently' when you feel like lashing out at them.
Galatians 5:17
For the sinful nature desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the sinful nature. They are in conflict with each other, so that you do not do what you want.
Stinks, doesn't it? Luckily for us:
Matthew 19:26
Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”
I'm so glad that God makes all things possible through him.