Sunday, August 3, 2008

Genisis - again

When Eve gave birth to Cain and Abel they grew up and had jobs. Now Cain owned a garden and Abel owned a herd of sheep. When it was time to give the offering, Abel made an offering of a lamb, and Cain made an offering of his first fruits. This was probably a big basket of all his best fruits and veggies all organized up pretty. But when God was angry, he was angrier. So out of his anger he killed his brother. I think from what he said,he was never even sorry that he killed his brother: "I don' know, am I my brothers keeper?" and: " This punishment is more than I can bear!" I think he was more worried about himself. So he wandered of and built a city. and his kid's had kids and they had kids and on and on and on all the way down to Noah. My bible isn't very detailed on that story.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's pretty detailed..You might have to remember what you've read cause some of these names will come up again later! :-) Great work.