Wednesday, October 29, 2008

David keeps shamig Saul!

This chapter is called David shames Saul. Well, David cut off a little of Saul's robe while Saul was taking a break from trying to find him. But David was ashamed that he did even that to what he called his master. I would call that loyalty to God. If God appointed him, evil or not, then he has no right to do even that! I think that was neat and that I should try to consider others in a similar way. after showing and king Saul what he had done, Saul stopped chasing, but David had to promised not to harm him or his descendants. After Samuel died, there was great sadness throughout all Israel. But now David shamed Saul again! Samuel dieing really has nothing to do with any thing. He just died.Poor saul. He seems like a bad, confuzed man.

1 comment:

Laura said...

Hi Louie!! I Am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO sorry I have not been here in such a long time!! I will talk to you later!
Laura J S