Saturday, October 11, 2008

Marble Mischief

That's right, Marbles. Bump, a game one of my relations made up includes marbles, and cards. Lane, Sticks, J man, Mom, and I were playing. J man was with Mom who was on my team. I was supposed to be with Bird, but, I could see she wasn't cooperating so she was playing with the large bucket of marbles. She would drop a few, pick them up, put them on the board, etc. etc. After a while, there was a loud crash, as marbles went rolling everywhere. I, apparently, was the first one to see. So, being the nearest, I extended my arms, trapping a lot of the marbles that were still on the table. By then the whole place was in action, catching or picking up marbles. Meanwhile, Dad goes, "WHAT HAPPENED?" And Bird is almost in tears saying, "I'm sowwy." What a way to give the night a little fun!

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