Saturday, July 26, 2008

New Bible stuff

I decided to start reading my Bible all over again using a Bible reading planer that Meggy gave me. As you probably know, it starts out with "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth"you think "Wow! He created everything-even us-and we still disobey him all the time! Then, when the serpent came to Eve he said "Did God really say that you can't eat from any tree in the garden?" Firstly, he shouldn't be talking at all! Secondly, when God found that they were sinful, Adam said "The woman you gave to me, she gave me some fruit and I ate." I think it was almost completely his fault that either of them ate it. Sure, Eve shouldn't of listened to the serpent in the first place, BUT..... According to my Bible it said that Eve ate the fruit and gave some to her husband who just so happend to be right there! If he had only stopped her.*Sigh*


Unknown said...

if only...
Yeah, I was told that eve was the one to blame, but they both are, I think. Adam should have been the leader. BUT Eve should have obeyed regardless.
they BOTH had to answer to God, one could have helped the other, but they sinned together.

Anonymous said...

There is an order to all things that God created. Later in scripture you will read that it is Adam's sin. He is the leader and should have protected her.

I am hopeful that you are as wise as Lana and that your husband will be the man that would step up for you to be your protector. I think that pastor Dale spells it out nicely. (paraphrased) "Women aren't the everyday dishes, they are the fine china. The stuff you keep extra safe, up on a shelf and only brought out on special occasions, viewed as lovely and kept as extremely valuable."

So, yes, Adam should have stepped up...but, he didn't. He let Eve lead and the result of God's order being disrupted is evident today.

Good stuff LB.